A 58-year-old lady, a known diabetic, presented with fever, left facial pain, swelling, and redness of 3 days duration. She reported a similar episode 3 months ago, which subsided with medications. There were no other ENT complaints. There was a notable past history of multiple discharging sinuses over the abdominal wall and around right hip which took few months to heal, several years back. The patient also gave history of undergoing tooth extractions and dental implantation 2 years prior to the current symptoms. On examination, there was diffuse swelling with erythema and tenderness over the left cheek. Rest of the ENT examination was unremarkable except for discharge and debris in left middle meatus on diagnostic nasal endoscopy (DNE). A contrast-enhanced computed tomography of paranasal sinuses (PNS) showed heterogeneous soft tissue density filling left maxilla and ethmoids, with no clear bony erosions (Figure 1). Endoscopic sinus surgery revealed mucopurulent discharge, debris, and underlying unhealthy inflamed mucosa in the left maxillary sinus and ethmoids which were sampled. Histopathology showed nonspecific chronic inflammation and granules with gram-positive thin, branching filamentous organisms. Anaerobic bacterial culture grew Actinomyces spp. She was treated with Co Amoxiclav for 2 weeks but defaulted further treatment till her review 3 months later when a DNE showed granular mucosa with yellow spots in the postoperative cavity. Although she was asymptomatic and repeat debridement and cultures were sterile, she was treated with oral amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day for 3 months. On follow-up 9 months later, she was asymptomatic with no endoscopic evidence of recurrence. Actinomycosis is a slowly progressive infection with granulomatous and suppurative features commonly involving the cervicofacial, thoracic, abdominal, and genital areas. 1 Although almost 50% of actinomycosis involve head and neck region, the disease is relatively rare in nose and PNS. 2 Actinomycosis is caused by Actinomyces israelii, a grampositive, anaerobic, saprophytic, human commensal bacterium commonly found in the mouth and aerodigestive tract. The