We show that if A is a finite set of non-negative integers then the number of zeros of the function f A (θ) = a∈A cos(aθ), in [0, 2π], is at least (log log log |A|) 1/2−ε . This gives the first unconditional lower bound on a problem of Littlewood and solves a conjecture of Borwein, Erdélyi, Ferguson and Lockhart. We also prove a result that applies to more general cosine polynomials with few distinct rational coefficients. One of the main ingredients in the proof is perhaps of independent interest: we show that if f is an exponential polynomial with few distinct integer coefficients and f "correlates" with a low-degree exponential polynomial P , then f has a very particular structure. This result allows us to prove a structure theorem for trigonometric polynomials with few zeros in [0, 2π] and restricted coefficents.is well known that any continuous, even function f : R/(2πZ) → R can be uniformly approximated by cosine polynomials. Thus, for large N , the behavior of such polynomials is essentially as rich as the class of continuous functions. In what follows, we consider what can be said about the behavior of the function f if the coefficients are restricted to a small set.One of the early champions of questions about polynomials with restricted coefficients was J.E.Littlewood, who studied many problems of this general type and stimulated the field with a wealth of problems [23,24,25,26]. Perhaps most famously, Littlewood asked for the minimum L 1 -norm attained by a function of the form a∈A cos(aθ), where A ⊆ N ∪ {0} is of a given size. This question was resolved (up to constants) in 1981 independently by Konyagin [22], and McGehee, Pigno, and Smith [28] after a series of partial results were obtained by Salem, Cohen, Davenport and Pichorides [33,8,9,32]. We note that these estimates have seen numerous applications and modifications in recent years.Counting zeros of polynomials with restricted coefficients has also received considerable attention;after the seminal work of Littlewood and Offord [27], several results have been proved on the number of roots of "typical" polynomials with restricted coefficients. For example, Kac [20,21] has given an exact integral formula for the expected number of roots of a degree N polynomial with coefficients sampled identically and independently from a Gaussian distribution. In a similar vein, Erdős and Offord [15] showed that almost all polynomials of the form N i=0 ε i x i , where ε 0 , . . . , ε N ∈ {−1, +1}, have ( 2 π + o(1)) log N real roots. These results have been subsequently refined and extended by various authors. For more, we refer the reader to the recent paper of Hoi Nguyen, Oanh Nguyen and Van Vu [30].The study of extremal questions on the number of real zeros of polynomials with restricted coefficients began with the work of Bloch and Pólya [2] in 1932, who studied the maximum number of real zeros attainable by polynomials of the form N i=0 ε i x i , ε 0 , . . . , ε N ∈ {−1, 0, +1}. After improvements by other authors [34,35], Erdős and Turán proved a landmark ...