The 351 nm photoelectron spectra of several isomers of
-, obtained by deprotonating
norbornadiene, 1,6-heptadiyne, and cycloheptatriene, are reported.
Quadricyclane can be deprotonated from either
of two distinct sites by amide anion. The electron affinities
(EAs) of the two corresponding
• isomers are
0.868(6) and 0.962(6) eV, with one well-resolved vibration
observed for each state, at 909(20) and 826(20)
respectively. Deprotonation of norbornadiene by amide anion leads
to formation of one ionic isomer with a binding
energy of 1.286(6) eV. Detachment to form an excited state of
the neutral is also observed, with a vertical detachment
energy (VDE) of 2.8(1) eV. Three vibrational modes are
resolved in the ground state region of the spectrum, and
one excited state vibration is observed. 1,6-Heptadiyne is
deprotonated by hydroxide at two sites, the end carbon
(C1) and the third carbon (C3), to produce
isomers with binding energies of 3.037(10) and 1.132(6) eV,
One vibration at 500(20) cm-1 is
strongly active in the C3-deprotonated portion of the
spectrum. Reaction of
cycloheptatriene with hydroxide or amide produces a mixture of products
at 91 amu which includes the isomer of
- corresponding to
abstraction from the methylene group. The corresponding neutral
has an EA ≤ 0.43 eV, in
agreement with earlier estimates obtained from thermochemical cycles.
The remaining products are assigned to
vinyl systems with transitions in the photoelectron spectrum to the
ground and first excited states. The measured
VDEs of these states are 1.48(1) and 2.97(1) eV,
respectively. The spectrum of benzyl anion appears in the
of all of the other C7H7
isomers, probably as a result of toluene contamination in the