The structure of mutant bacteriorhodopsin (bR), D85N, was examined by CD and X-ray diffraction at pH 7. The absorption maximum of D85N at pH 7 is located at 605 nm, which is similar to the acid-biue form of wild-type bR. D85N shows a monophasic CD band, the maximum of which is at 575 nm, although the crystalline arrangement and the trimeric structure is rn~nt~n~. The acid-blue form of wild-type bR shows a biphasic CD despite the similarity in absorption spectra.Bacteriorhodopsin; Circular dichroism; Exciton coupling; Site-specific mutant; X-ray diffraction 1. I~RODUCTION Bacteriorhodopsin (bR), the sole protein of purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium, is a light-driven proton pump which generates a trans-membrane electroche~cal gradient [l]. bR molecules are arranged in trimers which form a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice [2,3]. The three-dimensional structure of bR at moderate resolution has been solved to clarify the locations and orientations of some amino acid residues [3]. The structural changes that occur upon formation of the M inte~ediate have been determined [4-61. The role of each amino acid residue in the proton pumping activity has been revealed by the site-directed mutagenesis (for review, see [7]). Studies using mutagenic techniques have revealed the importance of aspartates in the proton pumping activity and spectroscopic properties of bR 17-111.Replacement of D85 by N shows dramatic effects on the visible spectrum and proton-pumping activity [8,9,12]. Recently, it is shown that D85N exists as three distinct spectroscopic species in equilibrium [ 131. Turner et al. argued that these three species are closely related to M, N and 0 intermediates 1131. D85N is dominated by a blue species at pH 7, which would be related to 0, and a yellowish pigment at pH 12, which *Corresponding authors. Present address: Department of Earth and Space Science, Faculty of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka 560, Japan. Fax: (81) (6) 845 7966.
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111would be related to M [13]. Structural studies of D85N is of great interest in the context of the structural analyses of the photo-intermediates.We have started intensive investigation of the structure of D85N using CD and X-ray diffraction. CD has been widely used to help understand the chromophoric properties of bR [14-171. The CD spectrum in the visible region of native bR is composed of a pair of negative and positive bands [14,15]. The origin of this biphasic shape is understood to be an exciton coupling between the chromophores in the trimeric structure of bR 116,171, although some ar~ents against the exciton model have been raised [l&19]. During the structural studies of DUN, we found that D85N shows a monophasic CD spectrum despite the fact that the crystalline structure is maintained. Here, we report the CD spectrum of D85N as compared with that of native bR.
Sample preparationPurple membrane containing wild-type bR was isolated from H. haiob~~ strain RlMl by a standard procedure [20]. H. haZob...