A graph property (i.e., a set of graphs) is induced-hereditary or additive if it is closed under taking induced-subgraphs or disjoint unions. If P and Q are properties, the product P • Q consists of all graphs G for which there is a partition of the vertex set of G into (possibly empty) subsets A and B with G[A] ∈ P and G[B] ∈ Q. A property is * The results presented here are part of the first author's Ph.D. thesis, written under the supervision of the second author. Jim Geelen suggested one of the main results of this paper.† The first author's doctoral studies in Canada were fully funded by the Canadian government through a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship.‡ Research supported by NSERC.§ Research supported in part by Slovak VEGA Grant 1/0424/03. reducible if it is the product of two other properties, and irreducible otherwise.We completely describe the few reducible induced-hereditary properties that have a unique factorisation into irreducibles. Analogs of compositive and additive induced-hereditary properties are introduced and characterised in the style of Scheinerman [Discrete Math. 55 (1985) 185-193]. One of these provides an alternative proof that an additive hereditary property factors into irreducible additive hereditary properties.