Van der Waals layered ferroelectrics, such as CuInP2S6 (CIPS), offer a versatile platform for miniaturization
of ferroelectric device technologies. Control of the targeted composition
and kinetics of CIPS synthesis enables the formation of stable self-assembled
heterostructures of ferroelectric CIPS and nonferroelectric In4/3P2S6 (IPS). Here, we use quantitative
scanning probe microscopy methods combined with density functional
theory (DFT) to explore in detail the nanoscale variability in dynamic
functional properties of the CIPS-IPS heterostructure. We report evidence
of fast ionic transport which mediates an appreciable out-of-plane
electromechanical response of the CIPS surface in the paraelectric
phase. Further, we map the nanoscale dielectric and ionic conductivity
properties as we thermally stimulate the ferroelectric-paraelectric
phase transition, recovering the local dielectric behavior during
this phase transition. Finally, aided by DFT, we reveal a substantial
and tunable conductivity enhancement at the CIPS/IPS interface, indicating
the possibility of engineering its interfacial properties for next
generation device applications.