PACS. 75.10.Jm -Quantized spin models. PACS. 75.30.Ds -Spin waves.Abstract. -We study spin-wave interactions in quantum antiferromagnets by expressing the usual magnon annihilation and creation operators in terms of Hermitian field operators representing transverse staggered and ferromagnetic spin fluctuations. In this parameterization, which was anticipated by Anderson in 1952, the two-body interaction vertex between staggered spin fluctuations vanishes at long wavelengths. We derive a new effective action for the staggered fluctuations only by tracing out the ferromagnetic fluctuations. To one loop order, the renormalization group flow agrees with the nonlinear-σ-model approach.The spin-wave approach to quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets, which was pioneered by Anderson [1] and Kubo [2] more than half a century ago, is still one of the most powerful methods to calculate the low-temperature properties of ordered magnets. In this approach, the components of the quantum-mechanical spin-operators S i are expressed in terms of canonical boson operators b i using the Holstein-Primakoff [3] or the Dyson-Maleev [4] transformation. The spin-S antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltoniancan then be written as a bosonic many-body HamiltonianĤ = −DN JS 2 +Ĥ 2 +Ĥ int , where the quadratic part isĤThe spins are assumed here to be localized at the sites r i of a D-dimensional hypercubic lattice with lattice spacing a. The lattice is bipartite, with sublattices labelled A and B. We also assume J ij = J > 0 for all pairs of nearest neighbors and J ij = 0 otherwise. The interactionĤ int involves at least four boson operators and higher powers of the small parameter 1/S, so that for large S it is reasonable to treatĤ int perturbatively. However, as we discuss in more detail below, in momentum space the vertices ofĤ int have a complicated non-analytic structure for small momenta [5][6][7], so that the expected supression of the interaction between long-wavelength Goldstone modes [8] is not manifest in this approach. On the other hand, in the calculation of physical quantities that are dominated by staggered spin-fluctuations the leading momentum-dependence of the vertices eventually cancels [9].c EDP Sciences