This paper is concerned with uniqueness in inverse electromagnetic scattering with phaseless farfield pattern at a fixed frequency. In our previous work [SIAM J. Appl. Math. 78 (2018), [3024][3025][3026][3027][3028][3029][3030][3031][3032][3033][3034][3035][3036][3037][3038][3039], by adding a known reference ball into the acoustic scattering system, it was proved that the impenetrable obstacle and the index of refraction of an inhomogeneous medium can be uniquely determined by the acoustic phaseless far-field patterns generated by infinitely many sets of superpositions of two plane waves with different directions at a fixed frequency. In this paper, we extend these uniqueness results to the inverse electromagnetic scattering case. The phaseless far-field data are the modulus of the tangential component in the orientations e φ and e θ , respectively, of the electric far-field pattern measured on the unit sphere and generated by infinitely many sets of superpositions of two electromagnetic plane waves with different directions and polarizations. Our proof is mainly based on Rellich's lemma and the Stratton-Chu formula for radiating solutions to the Maxwell equations. 1 generated by one plane wave is invariant under the translation of the scatterers. This implies that it is impossible to recover the location of the scatterer from the phaseless far-field data with one plane wave as the incident field. Several iterative methods have been proposed in [12,13,14,21] to reconstruct the shape of the scatterer. Under a priori condition that the sound-soft scatterer is a ball or disk, it was proved in [22] that the radius of the scatterer can be uniquely determined by a single phaseless far-field datum. It was proved in [23] that the shape of a general, sound-soft, strictly convex obstacle can be uniquely determined by the phaseless far-field data generated by one plane wave at a high frequency. However, there is no translation invariance property for phaseless near-field data. Therefore, many numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems with phaseless near-field data have been developed (see, e.g., [3,4,6,18,32,36] for the acoustic case and [5] for the electromagnetic case). Uniqueness results and stability have also been established for inverse scattering problems with phaseless near-field data (see [16,17,19,24,26,27,30,37,42,43] for the acoustic and potential scattering case and [29,37] for the electromagnetic scattering case).Recently in [38], it was proved that the translation invariance property of the phaseless far-field pattern can be broken by using superpositions of two plane waves as the incident fields with an interval of frequencies. Following this idea, several algorithms have been developed for inverse acoustic scattering problems with phaseless far-field data, based on using the superposition of two plane waves as the incident field (see [38,39,40]). Further, by using the spectral properties of the far-field operator, rigorous uniqueness results have also been established in [34] for inverse acousti...