The dual picture of quantum geometry provided by a spin network state is discussed. From this perspective, we introduce a new operator in Loop Quantum Gravity -the length operator. We describe its quantum geometrical meaning and derive some of its properties. In particular we show that the operator has a discrete spectrum and is diagonalized by appropriate superpositions of spin network states. A series of eigenstates and eigenvalues is presented and an explicit check of its semiclassical properties is discussed.Keywords: quantum geometry; spin network states; Planck-scale discreteness PACS: 04.60.Pp; 04.60.Nc A remarkable feature of the loop approach [1, 2, 3] to the problem of quantum gravity [4] is the prediction of a quantum discreteness of space at the Planck scale. Such discreteness manifests itself in the analysis of the spectrum of geometric operators describing the volume of a region of space [5,6] or the area of a surface separating two such regions [5,7]. In this paper we introduce a new operator -the length operator -study its properties and show that it has a discrete spectrum and an appropriate semiclassical behaviour. For a different attempt to introduce a length operator in Loop Quantum Gravity, see Thiemann's paper [8]. For some remarks about why it is difficult to introduce a length operator is Loop Quantum Gravity see the review [9]. In the following we describe the picture of quantum geometry coming from Loop Quantum Gravity and the role played by the length in this picture (section 1), we recall the standard procedure used in Loop Quantum Gravity when introducing an operator corresponding to a given classical geometrical quantity (section 2), we point out the difficulties to overcome in order to introduce the length operator (section 3.1), discuss the strategy that we follow (sections 3.2-3.3) and finally present our results in sections 4 and 5.1 The dual picture of quantum geometryIn Loop Quantum Gravity, the state of the 3-geometry can be given in terms of a linear superposition of spin network states. Such spin network states consist of a graph embedded in a 3-manifold and a coloring of its edges and its nodes in terms of SU(2) irreducible representations and of SU(2) intertwiners. Thanks to the existence of a volume operator and an area operator, the following dual picture of the quantum geometry of a spin network state is available (see sections 1.2.2 and 6.7 of [1] for a detailed * 1