In this paper we combine ideas from tolerance orders with recent work on OC interval orders. We consider representations of posets by unit intervals I v in which the interval endpoints (L(v) and R(v)) may be open or closed as well as the center point (c(v)). This yields four types of intervals: A (endpoints and center points closed), B (endpoints and center points open), C (endpoints closed, center points open), and D (endpoints open, center * This work was supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (#426725, Ann Trenk). arXiv:1707.08099v1 [math.CO] 25 Jul 2017 2 points closed). For any non-empty subset S of {A, B, C, D}, we define an S-order as a poset P that has a representation as follows: each element v of P is assigned a unit interval I v of type belonging to S, and x ≺ y if and only if either (i) R(x) < c(y) or (ii) R(x) = c(y) and at least one of R(x), c(y) is open and at least one of L(y), c(x) is open. We characterize several of the classes of S-orders and provide separating examples between unequal classes. In addition, for each S ⊆ {A, B, C, D} we present a polynomial-time algorithm that recognizes S-orders, providing a representation when one exists and otherwise providing a certificate showing it is not an S-order.