Let (X X ) and (Y Y ) be pointed compact metric spaces with distinguished base points X and Y . The Banach algebra of all K-valued Lipschitz functions on X -where K is either C or R -that map the base point X to 0 is denoted by Lip 0 (X ). The peripheral range of a function ∈ Lip 0 (X ) is the set ∈ Lip 0 (X ), then there are mappings 1 2 : Y → K with 1 ( ) 2 ( ) = 1 for all ∈ Y and a base point-preserving Lipschitz homeomorphism ψ : Y → X such that T ( )( ) = ( )S ( )(ψ( )) for all ∈ Lip 0 (X ), ∈ Y , and = 1 2. In particular, if S 1 and S 2 are identity functions, then T 1 and T 2 are weighted composition operators.
MSC:46J10, 46J20, 46E15