Using firmly established experimental inputs such as K , ∆M d , ∆Ms, Br(B → τ ν), γ, V cb along with corresponding lattice matrix elements which have been well studied and are in full QCD such as BK , SU3 breaking ratio ξ, BB s and in particular without using V ub or the pseudoscalar decay constants fB d or fB s from the lattice, we show that the CKM-paradigm now appears to be in serious conflict with the data. Specifically the SM predicted value of sin 2β seems too high compared to direct experimental measured value by over 3σ. Furthermore, our study shows that new physics predominantly effects B-mixings and B d → ψKs, and not primarily in kaon-mixing or in B → τ ν. Model independent operator analysis suggests the scale of underlying new physics, accompanied by a BSM CP-odd phase, responsible for breaking of the SM is less than a few TeV, possibly as low as a few hundred GeV. Two possible BSM scenarios, namely warped extra-dimensions and SM with a 4th generation, are briefly discussed. Generic predictions of warped flavor models are briefly discussed. While SM with 4th generation (SM4) is a very simple way to account for the observed anomalies, SM4 is also well motivated due to its potential role in dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking via condensation of heavy quarks and in baryogenesis.