We show how to perform universal Hamiltonian and adiabatic computing using a time-independent Hamiltonian on a 2D grid describing a system of hopping particles which string together and interact to perform the computation. In this construction, the movement of one particle is controlled by the presence or absence of other particles, an effective quantum field effect transistor that allows the construction of controlled-NOT and controlled-rotation gates. The construction translates into a model for universal quantum computation with time-independent two-qubit ZZ and XX+YY interactions on an (almost) planar grid. The effective Hamiltonian is arrived at by a single use of firstorder perturbation theory avoiding the use of perturbation gadgets. The dynamics and spectral properties of the effective Hamiltonian can be fully determined as it corresponds to a particular realization of a mapping between a quantum circuit and a Hamiltonian called the space-time circuitto-Hamiltonian construction. Because of the simple interactions required, and because no higherorder perturbation gadgets are employed, our construction is potentially realizable using superconducting or other solid-state qubits. many-qubit interactions or qudit degrees of freedom. Such interactions can rewritten in terms of simpler, say, two-qubit interactions through the use of perturbation theory (by using so-called perturbation gadgets [13][14][15][16][17]). However, effective interactions obtained in kth-order degenerate perturbation theory with perturbative coupling g and gap Δ of the unperturbed Hamiltonian scale in strength as g (g/Δ) k−1 leading to a correspondingly small gap of the effective Hamiltonian (as compared to the physical device temperature). In addition, multiple uses of (higher-order) perturbation theory lead to Hamiltonians with undesirable qubit overhead and complexity. Consequently, existing models of Hamiltonian quantum computation based on pairwise qubit interactions are not particularly suitable for physical implementation using, e.g., solid-state quantum information processors.The Margolus asynchronous cellular automaton model of Hamiltonian quantum computation relies on spatially homogeneous interactions which allow the chronons that carry the computation to progress at different rates at different points: this construction can be thought of as a quantum-computation based model of Wheeler's 'many-fingered time' [18], and has been recently formalized in [19] under the name space-time circuit-to-Hamiltonian construction. Several works have either explicitly or implicitly formulated proposals of doing universal Hamiltonian computation [20,21] or quantum adiabatic computation [22-25] using this construction. A related proposal which seeks to do adiabatic computation using the idea of quantum adiabatic transistors has been formulated in [26,27]. Reference [28] has proposed a way of doing Hamiltonian computing using the Feynman construction using only two-qubit interaction and no application of perturbation theory. However, in order to...