The phenomenological possibilities of the Randall-Sundrum non-compact extra dimension scenario with the AdS horizon increased to approximately a millimeter length, corresponding to an effective brane tension of (TeV) 4 , are investigated. The corrections to the Newtonian potential are found to be the only observationally accessible probe of this scenario, as previously suggested in the literature. In particular, the presence of the continuum of KK modes does not lead to any observable collider signatures. The extent to which experimental tests of Newtonian gravity can distinguish this scenario from the scenario of Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali with one and two millimeter size extra dimensions is explicitly demonstrated. * Electronic mail: † Electronic mail: ‡ Electronic mail: 1 Much of the recent excitement and theoretical speculation regarding large/warped compact extra dimensions found for example in Refs. [1][2][3][4] has been fueled by the amelioration/novel rephrasing of the various hierarchy problems. In addition, the models of Refs. [1,4] have raised some hopes that upcoming experiments may reveal signatures of the existence of higher dimensions [5][6][7]. On the other hand, the novelty of having phenomenologically consistent four-dimensional gravity in the presence of non-compact higher dimensions has been the main motivation for the investigations of "warped bulk" models based on the idea of Randall and Sundrum [8,9] without much motivation from upcoming experimental signature possibilities. In this paper, we investigate the possible experimental signatures of the model of Randall and Sundrum of Ref. [8] in the case that the warping scale is sufficiently lowered. Since most of the qualitative aspects of this scenario have already been discussed in Ref.[10] and Ref. [11], this paper will focus on the details of the experimental signatures.Unlike the non-warped scenarios and some of the variations of the warped model for which the gravity is quasilocalized (see also [9,12,13]), the original warped bulk model of Randall and Sundrum [8] (henceforth referred to as RS) did not seem to have any low energy phenomenological implications (perhaps with the exception of black hole physics [14][15][16]11]), mainly because the cosmological constant contribution coming from the constant energy density on the Planck brane had always been identified with the string scale for naive naturalness reasons. (We will refer to this constant energy density as the RS brane tension.) However, as explicitly noted for example by Kraus [17], if one attempts to identify the RS brane tension with that of a collection of D3 branes, one finds a discrepancy: the D3 brane tension is 2/3 of the brane tension needed for the RS brane tension.More recently, a different class of SUGRA solutions [18] (albeit singular) have been discovered which share the warped bulk spacetime of the RS scenario (although the noncompact limit has not been explored). E...