This is a latest survey article on embeddings of multibranched surfaces into 3-manifolds.Throughout this article, we will work in the piecewise linear category. All topological spaces are assumed to be second countable and Hausdorff. It is a fundamental problem that for two topological spaces X and Y , (1) Can X be embedded in Y ?(2) If X can be embedded in Y , then (a) When are two embeddings of X in Y equivalent? (b) How can X be embedded in Y ?In this article, we consider the case that X is a multibranched surface and Y is a closed orientable 3-manifold.We say that a 2-dimensional CW complex is a multibranched surface if we remove all points whose open neighborhoods are homeomorphic to the 2-dimensional Euclidean space, then we obtain a 1-dimensional complex which is homeomorphic to a disjoint union of some simple closed curves.