Due to long chemical equilibration times within standard hadronic reactions during the hadron gas phase in relativistic heavy ion collisions it has been suggested that the hadrons are "born" into equilibrium after the quark gluon plasma phase. Here we develop a dynamical scheme in which possible Hagedorn states contribute to fast chemical equilibration times of baryon anti-baryon pairs (as well as kaon anti-kaon pairs) inside a hadron gas and just below the critical temperature. Within this scheme, we use master equations and derive various analytical estimates for the chemical equilibration times. Applying a Bjorken picture to the expanding fireball, the kaons and baryons as well as the bath of pions and Hagedorn resonances can indeed quickly chemically equilibrate for both an initial overpopulation or underpopulation of Hagedorn resonances. Moreover, a comparison of our results to (B +B)/π + and K/π + ratios at RHIC, indeed, shows a close match.
PACS numbers:(Anti-)strangeness enhancement was first observed at CERN-SPS energies by comparing anti-hyperons, multistrange baryons, and kaons to pp-data. It was considered a signature for quark gluon plasma (QGP) because, using binary strangeness production and exchange reactions, chemical equilibrium could not be reached within the hadron gas phase [1]. It was then proposed that there exists a strong hint for QGP at SPS because strange quarks can be produced more abundantly by gluon fusion, which would account for strangeness enhancement following hadronization and rescattering of strange quarks. Later, multi-mesonic reactions were used to explain secondary production of anti-protons and antihyperons [2,3]. At SPS they give a typical chemical equilibration time τȲ ≈ 1 − 3 fm c using an annihilation cross section of σ ρȲ ≈ σ ρp ≈ 50mb and a baryon density of ρ B ≈ ρ 0 to 2ρ 0 , which is typical for SPS. Therefore, the time scale is short enough to account for chemical equilibration within a cooling hadronic fireball at SPS.A problem arises when the same multi-mesonic reactions were employed in the hadron gas phase at RHIC temperatures where experiments show that the particle abundances reach chemical equilibration close to the phase transition [4]. At RHIC at T = 170 MeV, where σ ≈ 30mb and ρ eq B ≈ ρ eq B ≈ 0.04fm −3 , the equilibrium rate for (anti-)baryon production is τ ≈ 10 fm c , which is considerably longer than the fireball's lifetime in the hadronic stage of τ < 5 fm c . Moreover, τ ≈ 10 fm c was also obtained in Ref.[5] using a fluctuation-dissipation theorem and a significant deviation was found in the population number of various (anti-)baryons from experimental data in the 5% most central Au-Au collisions [6]. These discrepancies suggest that hadrons are "born" into equilibrium, i.e., the system is already in a chemically frozen out state at the end of the phase transition [7,8].In order to circumvent such long time scales it was suggested that near T c there exists an extra large particle density overpopulated with pions and kaons, which drive the baryo...