In this paper we study the existence of homomorphisms G → H using semidefinite programming. Specifically, we use the vector chromatic number of a graph, defined as the smallest real number t ≥ 2 for which there exists an assignment of unit vectors i → pi to its vertices such that pi, pj ≤ −1/(t − 1), when i ∼ j. Our approach allows to reprove, without using the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem, that for n > 2r the Kneser graph Kn:r and the q-Kneser graph qKn:r are cores, and furthermore, that for n/r = n ′ /r ′ there exists a homomorphism Kn:r → K n ′ :r ′ if and only if n divides n ′ . In terms of new applications, we show that the even-weight component of the distance k-graph of the n-cube H n,k is a core and also, that non-bipartite Taylor graphs are cores. Additionally, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of homomorphisms H n,k → H n ′ ,k ′ when n/k = n ′ /k ′ . Lastly, we show that if a 2-walk-regular graph (which is non-bipartite and not complete multipartite) has a unique optimal vector coloring, it is a core. Based on this sufficient condition we conducted a computational study on Ted Spence's list of strongly regular graphs [25] and found that at least 84% are cores.