Astrophysical observations suggest that 50% to 90% of the material in the universe is invisible, whose existence is solely inferred from gravitational effects. Various attempts to detect dark matter are reported, such as the Berkeley Stanford detectors (USA) [l] and the Komiokande detector (Japan). The latter recently reported neutralino dark matter heavier than the W-boson 121. The present note considers the possibility of a Stanford-like detector, in which dark matter incident on the superconducting film leads to universal conductivity at the critical point due to a superconductor-insulator transition.In the superconducting phase there are pinned vortices, so that the flux of vortices flowing across a superconducting material is zero. As a result, the voltage across the weak link Josephson junction is given by [3] where dq,ldt is the rate of change of the phase difference of the superconducting order parameter, qo the flux quantum, and 1, the characteristic length of the microbridge, while N , = JB -nB,l/cp,, defines the degree of mismatch between the vortex and the hole lattices. As dark matter is incident on the superconducting microbridges, the neutralino/neutrino flux causes an alternation of the hole lattice as a result of which the matching magnetic field is given by ( P~/ (~~" P ' ) where p is the spacing between the holes which is a sensitive function of the annihilation products of dark matter. This modulates the matching field which causes a variation of the magnetic field in the H -T (B-T ) phase diagram. As a result vortices are depinned and under matching conditions, there is a synchronization between the vortex lattice and the hole lattice. A simple model [4] accounts for the essential features of vortex motion in thickness modulated thin films. Assuming a harmonic film profile d(x, y) = d + (d, -d) sin qx (where q = 2n/J., J. being the period of thickness modulation and d , the critical thickness of the film) and neglecting background pinning effects, the motion of the vortex lattice is that of a single flux line (assuming that the extra vortex in a lattice of holes each filled with only I) Calcutta 700016, India. ' ) I/AF Bidhan Nagar,