There has been significant recent interest in quantum neural networks (QNNs), along with their applications in diverse domains. Current solutions for QNNs pose significant challenges concerning their scalability, ensuring that the postulates of quantum mechanics are satisfied, and that the networks are physically realizable. The exponential state space of QNNs poses challenges for the scalability of training procedures. The no-cloning principle prohibits making multiple copies of training samples, and the measurement postulates lead to non-deterministic loss functions. Consequently, the physical realizability and efficiency of existing approaches that rely on repeated measurement of several copies of each sample for training QNNs is unclear. This paper presents a new model for QNNs that relies on band-limited Fourier expansions of transfer functions of quantum perceptrons (QPs) to design scalable training procedures. This training procedure is augmented with a randomized quantum stochastic gradient descent technique that eliminates the need for sample replication. We show that this training procedure converges to the true minima in expectation, even in the presence of non-determinism due to quantum measurement. Our solution has a number of important benefits: (i) using QPs with concentrated Fourier power spectrum, we show that the training procedure for QNNs can be made scalable; (ii) it eliminates the need for resampling, thus staying consistent with the no-cloning rule; and (iii) enhanced data efficiency for the overall training process since each data sample is processed once per epoch. We present detailed theoretical foundation for our models and methods' scalability, accuracy, and data efficiency. We also validate the utility of our approach through a series of numerical experiments.