Despite the enormous theoretical and application interests, a fundamental understanding of the glassy dynamics remains elusive. The static properties of glassy and ordinary liquids are similar, but their dynamics are dramatically different. What leads to this difference is the central puzzle of the field. Even the primary defining glassy characteristics, their implications, and if they are related to a single mechanism remain unclear. This lack of clarity is a severe hindrance to theoretical progress. Here, we combine analytical arguments and simulations of various systems in different dimensions and address these questions. Our results suggest that the myriad of glassy features are manifestations of two distinct mechanisms. Particle caging controls the mean, and coexisting slow- and fast-moving regions govern the distribution of particle displacements. All the other glassy characteristics are manifestations of these two mechanisms; thus, the Fickian yet non-Gaussian nature of glassy liquids is not surprising. We discover a crossover, from stretched exponential to a power law, in the behavior of the overlap function. This crossover is prominent in simulation data and forms the basis of our analyses. Our results have crucial implications on how the glassy dynamics data are analyzed, challenge some recent suggestions on the mechanisms governing glassy dynamics, and impose strict constraints that a correct theory of glasses must have.