Recently, P. Pragacz described the ordinary Hall-Littlewood P -polynomials by means of push-forwards (Gysin maps) from flag bundles in the ordinary cohomology theory. Together with L. Darondeau, he also gave push-forward formulas (Gysin formulas) for all flag bundles of types A, B, C and D in the ordinary cohomology theory. In this paper, we introduce a generalization of the ordinary Hall-Littlewood P -and Q-polynomials, which we call the universal (factorial) Hall-Littlewood P -and Q-functions, and characterize them in terms of Gysin maps from flag bundles in the complex cobordism theory. We also generalize the (type A) push-forward formula due to Darondeau-Pragacz to the complex cobordism theory. As an application of our Gysin formulas in complex cobordism, we give generating functions for the universal Hall-Littlewood P -and Q-functions and their factorial analogues. Using our generating functions, classical determinantal and Pfaffian formulas for Schur S-and Q-polynomials, and their K-theoretic or factorial analogues can be obtained in a simple and unified manner.