An impressive effort is being placed in order to develop new strategies that allow an efficient computation of multi-loop multi-leg scattering amplitudes, with a particular emphasis in removing spurious singularities and instabilities. In this Letter, we describe an innovative technique to obtain the causal representation of any multi-loop multi-leg amplitude in Quantum Field Theory, taking advantage of the fact that all the information about thresholds is encoded in the cusp structure. By using the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) theorem, we first obtain a compact causal representation through the nested residue computation for several topological families.From their representation, we extract all the possible combinations of causal propagators, λ ± i , and then study their geometrical properties. We found that the causal propagators can be built starting from the cusp matrix, through a suitable definition of connected partitions. The causal representation for a given topological family is obtained by summing over all the possible products of λ ± i that originate connected and oriented partitions of the underlying topology. These results are compatible with Cutkowsky rules, containing only physical thresholds which noticeably improves the numerical stability. Moreover, we explicitly show that diagrams with the same number of cusps exhibits similar causal structures, regardless of the number of loops.