Quantum walks are promising for information processing tasks because in regular graphs they spread quadratically more rapidly than random walks. Static disorder, however, can turn the tables: unlike random walks, quantum walks can suffer Anderson localization, with their wave function staying within a finite region even in the infinite time limit, with a probability exponentially close to 1. It is thus important to understand when a quantum walk will be Anderson localized and when we can expect it to spread to infinity even in the presence of disorder. In this work we analyze the response of a one-dimensional quantum walk-the split-step walk-to different forms of static disorder. We find that introducing static, symmetry-preserving disorder in the parameters of the walk leads to Anderson localization. In the completely disordered limit, however, a delocalization transition occurs, and the walk spreads subdiffusively to infinity. Using an efficient numerical algorithm, we calculate the bulk topological invariants of the disordered walk and find that the disorder-induced Anderson localization and delocalization transitions are governed by the topological phases of the quantum walk.