Using large N arguments, we propose a scheme for calculating the two-point eigenvector correlation function for non-normal random matrices in the large N limit. The setting generalizes the quaternionic extension of free probability to two-point functions. In the particular case of biunitarily invariant random matrices, we obtain a simple, general expression for the two-point eigenvector correlation function, which can be viewed as a further generalization of the single ring theorem. This construction has some striking similarities to the freeness of the second kind known for the Hermitian ensembles in large N . On the basis of several solved examples, we conjecture two kinds of microscopic universality of the eigenvectors -one in the bulk, and one at the rim. The form of the conjectured bulk universality agrees with the scaling limit found by Chalker and Mehlig [JT Chalker, B Mehlig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 3367] in the case of the complex Ginibre ensemble.