Abstract. Airborne soot is emitted from combustion processes as aggregates
of primary particles. The size of the primary particles and the overall
aggregate size control soot transport properties, and prior research shows
that these parameters may be related to the soot nanostructure. In this
work, a laminar, inverted nonpremixed burner has been used as a source of
soot that is almost completely elemental carbon. The inverted burner was
connected to an electrical low-pressure impactor, which collected
particles on stages according to the aerodynamic diameter, from 0.03 to 10 µm. The morphology was analyzed using a transmission electron
microscope followed by image processing to extract projected area and
average primary particle size for each aggregate (approximately 1000
aggregates analyzed in total for the nine impactor stages). Carbon
nanostructure was analyzed using a Raman spectrometer, and five vibrational
bands (D4, D1, D3, G, and D2) were fitted to the spectra to obtain an
estimate of the carbon disorder. The average primary particle diameter
increases from 15 to 30 nm as the impactor stage aerodynamic diameter
increases. The D1, D3, D2, and D4 bands decreased (relative to the G band)
with the particle size, suggesting that the larger aggregates have larger
graphitic domains.