The nuclear neutron-proton contact is introduced, generalizing Tan's work, and evaluated from medium energy nuclear photodisintegration experiments. To this end we reformulate the quasideuteron model of nuclear photodisintegration and establish the bridge between the Levinger constant and the contact. Using experimental evaluations of Levinger's constant we extract the value of the neutron-proton contact in finite nuclei and in symmetric nuclear matter. Assuming isospin symmetry we propose to evaluate the neutron-neutron contact through measurement of photonuclear spin correlated neutron-proton pairs.PACS numbers: 05.30.Fk, Introduction -Considering a system of two-component fermions interacting via a short range interaction, Tan [1, 2] has established a series of relations between the amplitude of the high-momentum tail of the momentum distribution n σ (k), where σ is the spin, and the properties of the system, such as the energy, pair correlations and pressure. These relations, commonly known as the "Tan relations", are expressed through a new variable the "Contact" C = lim k→∞ k 4 n σ (k). The contact, being a state variable depends on the density of the system (usually expressed through the Fermi momentum k F ), its temperature, composition, and its thermodynamic state. The Tan relations are universal, they hold for few-body as well as for many-body systems, for ground state and for finite temperature, for normal state but also for superfluid state. Their validity range depends on the interparticle distance d ∝ 1/k F and the magnitude of the scattering length being both much larger than the potential range, usually characterized by the effective range r eff .The theoretical discovery of the Tan relations has led to a concentrated experimental effort to measure and verify them in ultracold atomic systems, where the scattering length as well as the density can be controlled. These efforts have led to experimental verification of Tan's relations in fermionic 40 K [3, 4] and 6 Li [5][6][7] systems. It was also found that the measured value of the contact, as function of (k F a) −1 along the BCS-BEC crossover, is in accordance with the theoretical predictions of [6].In this manuscript we focus on nuclear systems. Generalizing Tan's work, we introduce the nuclear contacts and present an experimental evaluation of the neutron-proton contact in finite nuclei and also in symmetric nuclear matter. To this end we relate the contact to medium energy photonuclear cross-section and utilize available experimental data. In ultracold atomic physics the ratio between the interparticle distance 1/k F , the scattering length a, and r eff can be controlled in such a way as to ensure that the a r eff and k F r eff 1. The nuclear two-body scattering length is about 5.38 fm when the two nucleons are in the 3 S 1 state and about -20 fm when they