Abstract. Given a multi-valued function Φ : X X on a topological space X we study the properties of its fixed fractal Φ , which is defined as the closure of the orbit Φ ω ( * Φ ) = n∈ω Φ n ( * Φ ) of the set * Φ = {x ∈ X : x ∈ Φ(x)} of fixed points of Φ. A special attention is paid to the duality between micro-fractals and macro-fractals, which are fixed fractals Φ and Φ −1 for a contracting compact-valued function Φ : X X on a complete metric space X. With help of algorithms (described in this paper) we generate various images of macro-fractals which are dual to some well-known micro-fractals like the fractal cross, the Sierpiński triangle, Sierpiński carpet, the Koch curve, or the fractal snowflakes. The obtained images show that macro-fractals have a large-scale fractal structure, which becomes clearly visible after a suitable zooming.