Liouville conformal field theory (LCFT) is considered on a simply connected domain with boundary, specializing to the case where the Liouville potential is integrated only over the boundary of the domain. We work in the probabilistic framework of boundary LCFT introduced by Huang- Rhodes-Vargas (2015). Building upon the known proof of the bulk one-point function by the first author, exact formulas are rigorously derived for the remaining basic correlation functions of the theory, i.e., the bulk-boundary correlator, the boundary two-point and the boundary three-point functions. These four correlations should be seen as the fundamental building blocks of boundary Liouville theory, playing the analogue role of the DOZZ formula in the case of the Riemann sphere. Our study of boundary LCFT also provides the general framework to understand the integrability of one-dimensional Gaussian multiplicative chaos measures as well as their tail expansions. Finally this work sets the stage for studying the more general case of boundary LCFT with both bulk and boundary Liouville potentials.