The multichannel Efimov physics is investigated in ultracold heteronuclear admixtures of K and Rb atoms. We observe a shift in the scattering length where the first atom-dimer resonance appears in the 41 K-87 Rb system relative to the position of the previously observed atom-dimer resonance in the 40 K-87 Rb system. This shift is well explained by our calculations with a three-body model including the van der Waals interactions, and, more importantly, the multichannel spinor physics. With only minor difference in the atomic masses of the admixtures, the shift in the atom-dimer resonance positions can be cleanly ascribed to the isolated and overlapping Feshbach resonances in the 40 K-87 Rb and 41 K-87 Rb systems, respectively. Our study demonstrates the role of the multichannel Feshbach physics in determining Efimov resonances in heteronuclear three-body systems.If physical systems exhibit properties that are independent of details of interaction, they are called universal [1]. Universality has played a central role in the analysis of quantum degenerate gases, e.g., the effects of binary collisions were successfully characterized by a single parameter, the s-wave scattering length a, independent of the details of the two-body potential. For few-body phenomena, however, it has been well known that an additional parameter -e.g. three-body parameter [1] -is necessary for a complete description of the system. Efimov states, an infinite series of three-body bound states with discrete scale invariance when a two-body scattering length diverges [2], provided us a unique opportunity to investigate the properties of three-body parameter both theoretically and experimentally. Combined experimental effort to observe Efimov-related resonance provided us with unexpected constancy of three-body parameters [3][4][5][6][7][8][9], while detailed theoretical analysis showed the origin of this constancy in some limiting cases [10,11].Recently, a newly developed three-body spinor model that included both van der Waals interactions and multichannel Feshbach physics has succeeded in reproducing many experimentally observed Efimov features in homonuclear atomic systems [12]. This model involves additional parameters that characterize Feshbach resonances, such as the background scattering length of an open channel normalized by the van der Waals length (r bg ) and the resonance strength of a closed channel (s res ). It was impressive to see that predictions from a three-body model constructed to reproduce only twobody Feshbach physics match almost perfectly with the experimentally observed three-body features in homonuclear systems [12,13]. This achievement suggests that the necessity of including precise few-body short-range chemical forces in studies of universal few-body phenomena -a task far beyond our current capability -may be removed.Extending this universal theory to heteronuclear systems is the next big challenge. In addition to the mass ratio, heteronuclear systems have the extra complication of having both inter-and intra-spe...