For a countable abelian group G we investigate generic properties of the space of all invariant metrics on G. We prove that for every such an unbounded group G, i.e. group which has elements of arbitrarily high order, there is a dense set of invariant metrics on G which make G isometric to the rational Urysohn space, and a comeager set of invariant metrics such that the completion is isometric to the Urysohn space. This generalizes results of Cameron and Vershik, Niemiec, and the author.Then we prove that for every countable abelian G such that G ∼ = N G there is a comeager set of invariant metrics on G such that all of them give rise to the same metric group after completion. If moreover G is unbounded, then using a result of Melleray and Tsankov we get that the completion is extremely amenable.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 22A05, 03E15; Secondary 20K99.