Abstract. We show that asymptotic equivalence, in a strong form, holds between two random graph models with slightly differing edge probabilities under substantially weaker conditions than what might naively be expected.One application is a simple proof of a recent result by van den Esker, van der Hofstad and Hooghiemstra on the equivalence between graph distances for some random graph models.
IntroductionThere are many different models of random graphs. Sometimes, the differences are minor, and it can be guessed that the asymptotic behaviour of two models are the same (for all or at least for some interesting properties). This note concerns some cases where it is possible to actually prove such results in a strong form. We begin by defining the two types of asymptotic equality that we will study. All unspecified limits are as n → ∞. Definition 1.1. Let (X n , A n ), n ≥ 1, be a sequence of arbitrary measurable spaces and let P n and Q n be two probability measures on (X n , A n ).(i) The sequence (P n ) n is asymptotically equivalent to (Q n ) n , denoted by (P n ) n ∼ = (Q n ) n , if for every sequence of measurable sets A n (i.e., A n ∈ A n ), we have P n (A n ) − Q n (A n ) → 0. (ii) The sequence (P n ) n is contiguous with respect to (Q n ) n , denoted by (P n ) n ⊳ (Q n ) n , if for every sequence of measurable sets A n such that Q n (A n ) → 0, we also have P n (A n ) → 0. We use the same terminology and notations for sequences of random variables X n and Y n with values in the same space X n , meaning that these properties hold for their distributions L(X n ) and L(Y n ). For example, (X n ) n ∼ = (Y n ) n means that P(X n ∈ A n )−P(Y n ∈ A n ) → 0 for every sequence (A n ) n . We will also use the simpler notations X n ∼ = Y n and X n ⊳ Y n , etc.Note that asymptotic equivalence is a symmetric relation while contiguity is not; we say that (P n ) n and (Q n ) n are (mutually) contiguous, (P n ) n ⊳⊲ (Q n ) n , if both (P n ) n ⊳ (Q n ) n and (Q n ) n ⊳ (P n ) n , i.e., if P n (A n ) → 0 ⇐⇒ Q n (A n ) → 0 for any sequence of measurable sets A n ⊆ X n . (And similarly for sequences of random variables X n and Y n .) Date: February 12, 2008.