Based on the analysis of the current situation in the domestic food market and the assessment of the current regulatory framework, the article substantiates the need for a transition to a new model of planning and managing the country’s food security, which can be conventionally called the «big challenges» model. Ensuring food security is an ongoing process characterized by a periodic change in tactical tasks and guidelines, mechanisms for their solution against the background of a growing lack of information and a constantly changing external environment. We formulated the main principles of the new model: a combination of strategic planning and operational-tactical management of the development of the domestic food market, the integration of long-term structural measures to increase the income of the Russian population with the mechanisms of domestic food aid, the formation of a risk management system, including price risks and risks arising from export products of the agro-industrial complex, scenario forecasting. The existing regulatory framework in the field of strategic planning and management does not imply the implementation of such a model, and the methods and instruments of state policy used do not make it possible to implement its basic principles in practice. The paper formulates the main directions and mechanisms for adjusting the new model in relation to the tasks of ensuring the food security of the Russian population.