Satellites and spacecraft in orbit can impact micrometeorites and other debris at velocities exceeding thousands of meters per second. The shock pressures and temperatures created by these hypervelocity impacts greatly surpass standard material strengths, and deform structures in unconventional failure modes. For isotropic materials, flow stress constitutive relations have seen reasonable success in modeling such scenarios, but the complexities of impacts with anisotropic composites remain difficult to investigate computationally. Using meshless finite element analysis methods, the following work quantifies differences between such isotropic approaches and reports on the use of micro-scale modeling to analyze hypervelocity impacts with advanced space composites. Nomenclature A1, B1 = strain rate hardening parameters A2, B2 = pressure and temperature dependence of shear modulus C = strain hardening coefficient C0 = speed of sound E = Young's modulus ℎ , = hardening and tangent modulus G = shear modulus S1-3 = slope coefficients T * = normalized temperature Troom = room temperature Tmelt = melting temperature a = first order volume correction to 0 e = specific internal energy m = thermal softening power exponent n = strain hardening power exponent 0 = Gruneisen gamma εp = equivalent plastic strain ̇ = equivalent plastic stain rate σ = equivalent stress response σy = yield stress σp = effective plastic stress σt = thermally activated plastic stress ρ = density µ = 0 ⁄ -1 β,n = work-hardening parameters