The promise of improved production performance and consistent delivery against market and regulatory commitments is driving the need for better decision making within daily operations. In addition, tighter integration between EP sources and markets forces broader consideration of factors from across the scope of business. At the same time, market maturity is forcing more dynamic and complex nomination and delivery processes within the EP business. Addressing these challenges requires better, faster and more collaborative decision-making, driven initially by improved leveraging of engineering expertise into operations and further by integration of both engineering and operations expertise into EP business processes.A key aspect of Shell's Smart Fields program has been to drive performance around Smart Fields value loops, concisely given as measure-model-decide-execute. This paper illustrates several examples where Shell have implemented Lagosa, an office domain, collaborative work process solution that encompasses a scope from source to sales. The paper will show how the solution engages various roles to contribute to better performance, as demonstrated by sustained improvements in value delivery. Learning points will be offered, particularly regarding implementation, embedment and sustainability.