The research aims to reveal the linguodidactic potential of the Lumio online platform as a tool for teaching English vocabulary to non-language university students. The article examines the priority tasks of digital linguodidactics, one of which is studying the didactic properties of online educational platforms. The scientific novelty of the research lies in describing the didactic properties of Lumio platform tools in foreign language learning, correlating existing Lumio platform tools with the stages of lexical skill formation, and developing a set of exercises aimed at teaching non-language students English vocabulary using Lumio platform tools. The study proves that the described and tested set of exercises is effective in teaching non-language university students English vocabulary, and also positively influences student motivation. The set of exercises involves implementing (a) an orientation-preparatory stage, including the use of the Frayer Model, Flip Out, Word Search Puzzle, Memory Match tools to create language exercises aimed at semanticization and initial consolidation of vocabulary; (b) a situational-stereotypical stage, where the tools Fill in the Blanks, Match `Em Up!, Super Sort, Game Show are used to create conditional speech exercises aimed at situational training and creating strong lexical speech connections in similar speech situations; (c) a variative-situational stage using the Shout It Out!, Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board, Discussion, Cause and Effect tools to compile communicative exercises aimed at creating dynamic lexical speech connections in a variety of speech situations.