Metalloproteins offer a particularly interesting target for the design of function, because the biological chemistry of metals is extraordinarily rich. Cuboidal [Fe 4 S 4 ] clusters are among the most common electron-transfer centers found in biology (1). These clusters act as either simple soluble electron-transfer agents, membrane-bound components of electron-transfer chains, or parts of the electron reservoir found in complex metalloenzymes in plants, animals, and bacteria. In addition to being intimately involved in electron-transport systems and in the metabolism of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, and nitrogen, studies have suggested that these centers also exhibit gene regulatory, catalytic, and structural functions, and have been found as part of a morphogenetic protein (1).The successful construction of a functional metal center requires that three sets of factors are taken into account: (i) the construction of a correctly folded protein, (ii) the coordination requirements of the metal, (iii) the modulation of the properties of the metal center and protein matrix to achieve the required control of reactivity. Thus far, metalloprotein designs have focused primarily on the first two factors (2-8). The redox properties of [Fe 4 S 4 ] centers, which are strongly dependent on the protein environment, offer a good system to explore the modulation of the metal center by the protein (1, 9). Cuboidal [Fe 4 S 4 ] proteins, which contain structurally equivalent metal clusters, are grouped in two classes, the ferredoxins (Fds) and the high-potential iron-sulfur proteins (HiPIPs couple (E o ϭ ϩ100 mV to ϩ450 mV). Although several high-resolution x-ray crystallographic structures of HiPIP systems as well as 4Fe-, 7Fe-, and 8Fe-Fds are available (1), the identification of those factors that determine the redox couple are just beginning to emerge. Conjectures have been presented that cluster-protein (amide NOH to cluster S 2Ϫ or cysteinyl S) hydrogen bonding (10), solvent accessibility of cluster, and electrostatic field gradients arising from the presence of acidic, basic, and hydrophobic residues in the vicinity of the [Fe 4 S 4 ] cluster, are important in determining the redox potential (9). Spectroscopic studies (11), ab inito calculations (12), and computer simulations (13, 14) support these factors as determinants of cluster redox potential. Studies of model systems (15), mutant iron-sulfur proteins (16,17), and interspecies variants (18) have also indicated the importance of the protein matrix and solvent. In addition, recent quantitative modeling simulations of the redox potentials of iron-sulfur proteins using the protein dipoles Langevin dipoles model have implicated the Coulombic interaction of the cluster with the protein atom charges as a major determinant of the variations in measured redox potentials (9). Specifically, the proximity and orientation of protein matrix dipoles arising from the parallel alignment of trans amide NOH and CAO bonds, which depends on the intrinsic structure of the polyp...