The rotational behavior of T =0 and T =1 bands in the odd-odd N =Z nucleus 62 Ga is studied theoretically using the spherical shell model (laboratory frame) and the cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky model (intrinsic frame). Both models give a good description of available experimental data. The role of isoscalar and isovector pairing in the T =0 and T =1 bands as functions of angular momentum is studied in the shell model. The observed backbending in the T =0 band is interpreted as an unpaired band-crossing between two configurations with different deformation. The two configurations differ by 2p-2h and are found to terminate the rotational properties at I π =9 + and I π =17 + , respectively. E2-decay matrix elements and spectroscopic quadrupole moments are calculated. From the CNS calculation, supported by shell model results, it is suggested that the low spin parts of the bands with T =0 and T =1 correspond to triaxially deformed states with the rotation taking place around the shortest axis (positive γ) and intermediate axis (negative γ), respectively. At lower spins the configuration space pf 5/2 g 9/2 , used in the shell model calculation, is found sufficient while also f 7/2 becomes important above the backbending.