Among different measured observables of top-antitop quark pairs at hadron colliders, the forwardbackward asymmetry (A FB ) measured by the CDF and D0 collaborations has inconsistency with the Standard Model prediction. The measured forward-backward asymmetry grows with tt invariant mass. Several new physics models have been proposed to explain this deviation. We consider the consistency of the parameter space of vector unparticle (in Flavor-Conserving scenario) with the existing tt production measurements. In particular, we look at the total cross sections at the LHC and Tevatron, differential cross section with tt invariant mass, and the LHC charge asymmetry to identify the regions in parameter space that can give the desired top A FB observed by the Tevatron. We show that in spite of the intrinsic tension between the LHC charge asymmetry and A FB , there exists a region in the unparticle parameters space where the top A FB and the LHC charge asymmetry are satisfied simultaneously. Finally, we show that the consistent region with tt observables is consistent with the constraints coming from the dijet resonance searches.