In the Popular Matching problem, we are given a bipartite graph G = (A ∪ B, E) and for each vertex v ∈ A ∪ B, strict preferences over the neighbors of v. Given two matchings M and M ′ , matching M is more popular than M ′ if the number of vertices preferring M to M ′ is larger than the number of vertices preferring M ′ to M . A matching M is called popular if there is no matching M ′ that is more popular than M .We consider a natural generalization of Popular Matching where every vertex has a weight. Then, we call a matching M more popular than matching M ′ if the weight of vertices preferring M to M ′ is larger than the weight of vertices preferring M ′ to M . For this case, we show that it is NP-hard to find a popular matching. Our main result its a polynomial-time algorithm that delivers a popular matching or a proof for it non-existence in instances where all vertices on one side have weight c > 3 and all vertices on the other side have weight 1. * Supported by DFG RTG 2434 "Facets of Complexity".