We give an evaluation for the stuffle-regularised t * ,V ({2} a , 1, {2} b ) as a polynomial in single-zeta values, log(2) and V . We then apply this to establish some linear independence results of certain sets of motivic multiple t values. In particular, we prove the elements of Saha's conjectural basis are linearly independent, on the motivic level, and that the (suitably regularised) elements t m ({1, 2} × ) form a basis for both the (extended) motivic MtV's and the alternating MZV's. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Relating regularisations of multiple zeta values and multiple t values 3 3. Evaluation of the stuffle-regualrised t * ,V ({2} a , 1, {2} b ) 12 4. Motivic framework 19 5. Regularised distribution relations, and the derivations D r 23 6. Lift to a motivic t m ({2} a , 1, {2} b ) evaluation 30 7. Independence of Saha's elements 34 8. The Hoffman one-two elements as a basis 40 References 52