The fluxionality of sub-nanocluster catalysts is essential
to understand
their behavior at an atomistic level. Up until now, when it has been
considered, fluxionality has been treated primarily thermodynamically,
representing relevant isomer populations as their Boltzmann populations.
Previous work supported this, suggesting that the Pt7/Al2O3 ensemble should be kinetically accessible at
700 K, based on the barrier heights for isomerization. In the current
work, we explore the isomerization kinetics of gas-phase and surface-supported
clusters, using kinetic
Monte Carlo (kMC) based on first-principles energetics to explore
the evolution of isomer populations with time as a function of temperature.
We additionally revisited the previously obtained Pt7/Al2O3 network. This allows us to determine the temperature-dependent
time scales at which the ensembles of these sub-nanoclusters reach
thermal equilibrium. Gas-phase clusters readily thermalize within
nanoseconds by 350 K, while surface-supported clusters require temperatures
between 500 and 700 K to thermalize within μs. Ultimately, thermalization
time scales depend on the heights of the barriers between low-lying
isomers, which in turn depend on the extent of the structural difference
between isomers. We therefore show that it is essential to compute
the barriers for isomerization between low-lying isomers in order
to accurately determine either thermalization time scales or nonequilibrium
steady-state populations. These thermalization time scales can extend
to longer than catalytically relevant time scales depending on the
reaction in question, indicating not only that isomerization can be
an essential feature of the reaction coordinate of a catalytic reaction
but also that a catalytic supported cluster system can remain out-of-equilibrium
even at industrial time scales under mild conditions.