This study aims to analyze household food security as the core determinant of stunting and Purworejo Regency of Central Java Province as a case study. Methodologically, this study used multiple binary regression models. This study analyzed 250 samples selected randomly tiered (multi-stage random sampling). The equation used is stunting as a dependent variable and an independent variable (dummy) in the form of household food security and control variables (parental marriage age, use of contraceptives, gestation, parity, early breastfeeding initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, pollution status, and distance of health facilities). As a result, household food security is proven to be a core determinant of stunting in Purworejo District. Household food security has a significant effect on the -0.679 (α 0.001) coefficient on stunting. This means that houses that have food security have the opportunity to reduce the risk and prevent stunting by 67.9% than those that do not. As a control variable, the use of contraceptives, parity, early initiation of breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding had a significant negative effect on stunting while pollution status had a significant positive effect. This model has been able to explain the research phenomenon by 58.2% (adjusted R-square 0.582).