This report describes a novel migratory insertion reaction which leads to the formation of highly fluorinated η 2 -vinyl complexes at a tungsten(II) metal center. Insight into the nature of this transformation was obtained by isolation and crystallographic characterization of a kinetic intermediate in the insertion process. Ambient-temperature photolysis of a toluene solution of the tungsten(II) tetrafluoroaryl metallacycle 2 and perfluoro-2-butyne accesses the kinetic η 2 -vinyl complex 3 in which the fluoride is trans to the inserted acetylene and cis to both carbonyl ligands. The solid-state structure of 3 has been determined. Upon heating, 3 is converted to the thermodynamic η 2 -vinyl product 4 in which the fluoride ligands is now cis to the inserted alkyne and trans to one CO and cis to the second CO ligand. Detailed kinetic studies are reported for this isomerization reaction using both infrared spectroscopy and UV-visible spectroscopy. In the absence of added ligand, this transformation displays first-order disappearance of 3 with ∆H q) 124((2) kJ/mol, ∆S q ) +48((5) J/(mol‚K) and ∆V q ) +15.6((0.4) cm 3 /mol. This is in accord with a limiting dissociative mechanism. Carbon monoxide enhances the rate of isomerization and shows first-order dependence in p(CO) with ∆H q) 98((3) kJ/mol, ∆S q ) -5((9) J/(mol‚K), and ∆V q ) +3.9-((0.2) cm 3 /mol. The P(OMe) 3 -promoted isomerization displays saturation behavior with ∆H q ) 77((2) kJ/mol, ∆S q ) -46((6) J/(mol‚K), and ∆V q ) +5.5((0.4) cm 3 /mol at 2.2 M P(OMe) 3 . The negative entropy and positive volume of activation indicate that congestion is developed in the transition state. The kinetic data for the ligand-promoted transformations are in agreement with a mechanism involving a rapid pre-equilibrium (K) during which the adduct species [3‚P(OMe) 3 ] is formed, followed by a rate-determining step (k) to produce 5. For this process, k obs ) Kk[P(OMe) 3 ]/(1 + k[P(OMe) 3 ]). Visible spectroscopic evidence for the adduct species [3‚P(OMe) 3 ] has been obtained. Nonlinear least-squares analysis of the k obs versus [P(OMe) 3 ] plot determined a K ) 1.4 ( 0.1 M -1 and a k ) (89 ( 13) × 10 -5 s -1 , such that kK ) 1.2 × 10 -3 M -1 s -1 for the adduct formation. It is unlikely that an actual 20electron species is generated since the η 2 -vinyl ligand can conceivably change its hapticity and function in an η 1 mode.