A: PDE, partial diff erential equation.S S : V Z M Surface and subsurface fl ow systems are inherently unifi ed systems that are o en broken into sec ons for logical (e.g., me scales) and technical (e.g., analy cal and computa onal solvability) reasons. While the basic physical laws are common to surface and subsurface systems, spa al and temporal dimensions as well as the con nuum approach used for the subsurface lead to diff erent formula ons of the governing par al diff eren al equa ons. While in most applica ons such decoupling of the systems works well and allows a very accurate and effi cient descrip on of the individual system by trea ng the adjacent system as a boundary condi on, in the case of water fl ow over a porous medium, it does not. Therefore coupled models are in increasing use in this fi eld, led mostly by watershed and surface irriga on modelers.The governing equa ons of each component of the coupled system and the coupling physics and mathema cs are reviewed fi rst. Three diff erent coupling schemes are iden fi ed, namely the uncoupled (with the degenerated uncoupled scheme being a special case of the uncoupled), the itera vely coupled, and the fully coupled. Next, the diff erent applica ons of the diff erent coupling schemes, sorted by fi eld of applica on, are reviewed. Finally, some research gaps are discussed, led by the need to include ver cal momentum transfer and to expand the use of fully coupled models toward surface irriga on applica ons.F . 1. Rela ons between diff erent components of the hydrologic cycle. Black lines indicate vapor processes, blue lines indicate non-vapor processes. The solid, bold lines are the focus of this discussion.