The e¨ect of upstream injection by means of continuous Air Jet Vortex Generators (AJVGs) on a shock wave turbulent boundary layer interaction is experimentally investigated. The baseline interaction is of the impinging type, with a §ow de §ection angle of 9.5 • , a Mach number M e = 2.3, and a momentum thickness based Reynolds number of 5,000. Considered are the e¨ects of the AJVGs on the upstream boundary layer §ow topology and on the spatial and dynamical characteristics of the interaction. To this aim, Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry has been employed, in addition to hot-wire anemometry (HWA) for the investigation of the dynamical characteristics of the re §ected shock. It is shown that the AJVGs signi¦cantly modify the three-dimensionality of the upstream boundary layer. Overall, the AJVGs cause a reduction of the separation bubble length and height. In addition, the energetic frequency range of the re §ected shock is increased by approximately 50%, which is in qualitative agreement with the smaller separation bubble size.