A concise review of the active control approaches for vibration reduction in rotorcraft is presented. Next, the evolution and status of higher harmonic control and pitch link actuated individual blade control is presented since these serve as the foundations of on blade control. Despite the success of these approaches, demonstrated by both full-scale wind tunnel and flight tests, higher harmonic control and pitch link actuated individual blade control have not managed to earn their way onto a production helicopter. An alternative, on blade control, is defined as a special implementation of individual blade control, where the control surfaces are located on the rotating blade and each blade has its own controller. A concise description of four on blade devices: (1) the actively controlled flap, (2) the active twist rotor, (3) the active tip rotor, and the (4) deployable Gurney flap, or microflap, is presented. An outline of an aeroelastic response modeling capability used to simulate active vibration and noise reduction using flaps or microflaps is presented. The simulation is a thread that links the various parts of the paper. Next, selected results from simulations and scale wind tunnel model tests on active flaps are used to provide insight on the operational and modeling aspects of these systems. Full-scale wind tunnel and flight tests are presented as culmination of the research effort invested in active flap rotors. Then, the evolution and application of the active twist rotor, and deployable Gurney flaps, or microflaps, is presented. The paper concludes with lessons learned and speculation about the potential implementation of on blade control on production rotorcraft.