Вісник проблем біології і медицини -2023 -Вип. 3 (170) / Bulletin of problems in biology and medicine -2023 -Issue 3 (170)
339КЛІНІЧНА ТА ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНА МЕДИЦИНА / CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE followed. The accuracy of measuring equipment and thoroughness in performing laboratory procedures are quite important. Since all the functions of the human body are in dynamic equilibrium with the factors of the surrounding environment, and the processes of adaptation to changed conditions take place over a certain period of time, the doctor must know the limits of fluctuations of each indicator in physiological conditions. The aim of the work was to determine the dynamics of the complete blood count of patients depending on the season. The object of the study was the laboratory parameters of the complete blood count of patients who applied to the hospital. For the study, 321 general blood tests were carried out in the conditions of the primary health care center on the basis of the Center for Medical and Health Care in Pavlograd. Automatic hematological analyzers RT-7600/RT-7600s and HB-7021 were used for work. We attempted to determine the groups of diseases most typical for the winter (January) and summer (June) of 2022 based on patient requests. Thus, a correlation between the dynamics of the general blood test in January was revealed. With reliability (p>0.05), we established significant deviations of all indicators of the general blood analysis in January. For example, the hemoglobin indicator is taken. The data obtained are given as the arithmetic mean and the statistical error of the arithmetic mean . Discrepancies between indicators in a distribution that was close to normal were assessed using the Student's test.