Spray drying is one of many industrial applications that use annular swirling jets. For this particular application, the flow characteristics in the near-field of the jet are fundamental to obtaining high-quality dried products. In this article, an annular swirling jet configuration is numerically studied using three low-cost eddy-resolving turbulence methods: detached-eddy simulation (DES), delayed-DES (DDES) and scale-adaptive simulation (SAS). To focus in industrial applicability, very coarse grids are used. The individual performance of these models is assessed through a comparison with laser-Doppler anemometry (LDA) measurements and large-eddy simulation (LES) data from available studies. Results show that all the three turbulence models are suitable for performing industrial cost-effective simulations, capable of reproducing LES results of mean velocities and first-order turbulence statistics at a fraction of the computational cost. Differences in the results of the evaluated models were minor; however, the simulation with DDES still provided a better reproduction of experimental results, especially in the very-near field of the jet, as it enforced RANS behavior near the inlet walls and a better transition from modeled to resolved scales.