“…In recent years, we see documentations on new Artificial Intelligence programing language like Logic and Objected-Oriented Programming Language (LOOP) documented by (Suciu et al, 2001) in 2001 which extended PROLOG logic programming language with object oriented features while (Ostermayer et al, 2014) discuss a connection architecture between PROLOG and JAVA. ARCHLOG documented in 2006 (Fidjeland and Luk, 2006) can produce high-performance designs without detailed knowledge of hardware development and a framework for designing multiprocessor architectures; Epistemic Ontology Language with Constraints (EOLC), which is used for specifying the epistemic ontology for heterogeneous verification was documented in 2007 by (Kumar and Krogh, 2007); McKinley described Python in his 2016 paper (McKinley, 2016a), (Ellis and Agah, 2012;Kurniawan et al, 2015;McKinley, 2016a;Park et al, 2017Park et al, ) in 2012Park et al, ,2015Park et al, ,2016Park et al, and 2017 respectively discussed the use of C++ in Artificial intelligence programming languages while (Babu et al, 2015;Garg and Kumar, 2017;Kurniawan et al, 2015;McKinley, 2016b;Mittal and Mandalika, 2015;Raff, 2017) discussed the use of JAVA in Artificial Intelligence programming languages.…”