Br J Vener Dis 1984; 60:274-7 Correspondence TO >O-125 mg/I) were tested for P-lactamase production with the chromogenic cephalosporin test. Patients were treated with either 3 g amoxycillin suspension plus 1 g probenecid or 2 4 MU procaine penicillin intramuscularly preceded by 1 g oral probenecid. All patients were advised to refrain from sexual intercourse and report for tests of cure three and 10 days later. All were screened for syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. Gram stained smears, cultures, or both were repeated on the third day for men but onboth the third and 10th days in women. Symptomatic men whose urethral smears showed more than 10 pus cells per high power field but no diplococci were deemed to have post-gonococcal urethritis when seen on the 10th day.The results shown in the table relate to 172 patients (26 having been excluded). Of, the five treatment failures, four (one in the group treated with amoxycillin and three in those treated with procaine penicillin) were